Life is Beautiful... Or at Least I Am
With the sweltering heat of the day and the freezing
cold of the night, and the hail storm and the tornado,
and the mosquito infested swamps and the blood sucking
officers, I was feeling pretty sorry for myself the
other night. I started wishing that I were somewhere,
or even someone else. Then I saw myself in the mirror.
Wow! Im gorgeous! Why on earth would I want to be
someone else?The good Lord sure did a fine job when he
put me together.
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At 14/5/06 03:01,
brown sugar said…
You crack me up. You don't have a vain bone in your little ole' body do you. I'm glad to see that you are still keeping your sense of humor through all of this. Can't wait until you come back so we can play! Don't forget to have a little fun!
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